When & Where Tuition and Registration Weibel Club-Tuesdays Weibel Team-Fridays Tournament Play Only Option
Please read the information here very carefully. Please, pretty please, do not sign that you read this when you didn't. I know we often sign forms indicating we read them when we did not. Not reading this form thorougly regretfully caused a few families to be removed from chess last year.
Weibel Chess classes are held once a week to study chess tactics and strategy and to spend time playing chess under tournament conditions. The Weibel Chess Club meets on Tuesdays for an hour and a half. The Weibel Chess Club meets on Fridays for either one hour and fifty minutes or two hours and 35 minutes. There are up to 32 meetings in the chess year. The number might be reduced one or two based on half days or other school activities that I do not have a list of at this time.
Children who join Weibel Chess know they are a part of the largest and one of the best known school program in the State of California. This is not simply because we have won a number of major National Chess Championship since 2010, but because we have successfully taught large numbers of chess students who are known for their skill and love of the art and game of chess for 32 years. Parents also know their children will be part of a chess educational system designed to improve their children’s academic performance while they have fun. Our chess program is an after-school enrichment program, not merely recreational.
Weibel Elementary School Chess is not affiliated with any other program or school. We are an after school program under aegis of the Parent Teacher Organization and funded by the parents. Our wonderful parent helpers and some of our teachers' aides and instructors are volunteers.
Weibel Chess provides financial aid to any family that is in need. We will not turn away any child who desires to learn and play chess. Weibel Chess will fund any player in need of financial support that wants to attend chess tournaments. If you have any questions on our financial aid program, please contact our director, Dr. Alan Kirshner, at Alan@WeibelChess.org
This page provides, I hope, all the information you will need to join or
re-join for our nationally renowned program. It is extremely important to read the material if you are thinking about registering your child on the Team. A number of families were removed from the Team last year who did not adhere to the conditions for Team membership.
We start the Weibel Chess Club on Tuesday,
September 24 (2:55 to 4:25 PM-note the change in ending time) and we go until May 19 (for year memberships) and we start the Weibel
Chess Team on Friday, September 20 (NOVICE & JV from 2:55 to 4:45 PM & Varsity-Elite from 2:55 to 5:30 PM) and we go until May 22 for year
The first semester for the Weibel Club will end January 21, 2020 and for
the Weibel Team on January 24, 2020. The second semester for the Club starts
on January 28, 2020 and for the Team on January 31, 2020. In all cases, but one, where the school is in session for a full day we will have chess. Said another way, when the school is closed there is no chess. The one exception will be Open House(likely May 12) in the Spring. We doi not hold chess
when Weibel has a half-day schedule. We will let you know if we learn that we cannot use the MUR in the afternoon for any other reason.
Students from other Elementary Schools Junior High School and High School will be permitted to attend Club or Team (this is new) as long as they meet the conditions listed online. Any children from other schools wanting to participate on Friday during the Team playing time may do so as long as they are experienced U.S. Chess Federation players as detailed below.
NOTES: If you must pick up your child earlier than the dismissal time it is polite to let us know. We will not allow students to leave just because they have finished their game even if their pick-up is waiting outside unless it is for making another appointment that day.
Please do not enter the MUR until your child is dismissed. Please inform any individual you ask to pick-up your child of this information.
All children should come to the Multi-Use Room on the first day of chess.
We will always start in the Multi-Use Room before heading to the
various classrooms. Unless you hear otherwise, please be sure your child is
there on the proper date and time for the first meeting. This may be your only
notice. If for some reason s/he cannot be there on the first day, please send
an e-mail to Info@WeibelChess.org so
that your child is not dropped from the Team/Club. All children in the Club, except the Raw
Beginners and Beginners, can be picked up from the Multi-Use Room at the
end of chess. Raw Beginners and Beginners should be picked up at their
instruction classroom. If a child in the Raw Beginners or Beginners class is
not picked up from the assigned classroom within ten minutes after the class
ends (ends at 4:25), they will be brought to the Multi-Use Room. Any parent
who is consistently tardy (more than 3 times) will be charged an extra $30 each
half hour or part thereof to cover the
instructor's overtime.
TUITION & REGISTRATION-No Registration Sheet since we are no longer in operation due to changes in District policies and a lack of the kind of school support we had in our thirty two years of existence
During the registration process you will be given a mailing address if you wish to pay by check. Online credit card payment is available.
Although registration can be done one semester at a time, please consider joining for the whole school year. The tuition for the year's chess remains the same as last year. The Club program is $500. If you only pay $250 for one semester for the Club we will send you the second semester’s tuition bill ($250) in mid-January. The tuition for the year's Team program is $650. If you only pay $325 for one semester for the Team we will send you the second semester’s tuition bill ($325) in mid-January. We encourage and expect children who enroll for the first semester to also enroll the following semester. Those who pay tuition for the full year in advance will receive a Weibel Chess logo T-shirt gratis. For those joining for a semester, they can purchase a T-shirt on the application form. Once again I will have a second Team class on Tuesday for our players enrolled on Friday. Translation, this class is only open to Weibel students already on the Friday Team. The initial cost for this class will be $300 for the year. There will be no refunds after the second meeting, however, credit may be given for future tuition.
A. WHAT TUITION COVERS: Chess tuition covers the cost of our exceptional instructional and clerical staff, the chess instruction equipment, chess sets and pieces, chess clocks, paperwork, donations to the Weibel School classrooms, Team Rooms at major tournaments, coaches to help the players at these events, insurance, and the trophies, certificates and door prizes our students receive at the end of the year. Parents in the past have contributed a few dollars extra for the food and gifts for the end of the year awards ceremony and to honor all the volunteers and the Weibel classroom teacher who allow us to use their rooms. This year $7 will be allocated for the Awards Banquet from your tuition. I will turn that amount over to the Parents' Award Ceremonies Committee.
B. PLAYERS FROM OTHER SCHOOLS: Players from another school are welcome to join the Weibel Chess Club and/or Team if they can get to Weibel no later than 3 PM and their school does not have a chess program or the program does not provide for advanced chess players. We do not have Raw Beginner or Beginner's classes on Fridays. This means that any non-Weibel player wanting to join the Team, must know the rules of chess and how to play. There will be an extra $100 added to Team tuition for students from other schools except from Horner or Irvington H.S. This surcharge will go into the Weibel Chess Financial Aid program.
If a student from another school who has been granted permission to train with the Weibel Team cannot get here by 3:00 PM, s/he can take the Play Only Option. This option will allow the children from other schools to get to Weibel by 3:55 and join the Friday Team tournament. Any player taking this option must pay for the year in advance. The cost for this option is $400. There will be no refunds after the second meeting. If I decide to provide any credit for the second semester due to an unforeseen occurrence, I will deduct $100 from that credit to place in the Weibel financial aid program. All students in the Play Only Option must be competitive players with a United States Chess Federation rating. Unless they have made the Varsity Team they will finish their games by 4:45. A K-3 with a U.S.C.F rating above 800 will be on the Varsity Team and remain until 5:30 PM. A player must have U.S.C.F. rating above 1000 if in 4th grade or above to be on the Varsity Team. When the games are concluded they may receive analysis and chess training from our expert instructors
C. VOLUNTEERS GRATIS: If you have volunteered to help the Weibel Chess Club or Team set up or take down equipment or worked all the Weibel Chess Tournaments last year and are doing so again this year, please select the gratis box on the Weibel Registration form. If I have any new helpers this year the tuition for one child will be refunded during the second semester for set-up or clean-up. This will be done only if the new helpers adhere to their full commitment. Volunteers whose children attend another school must still pay the $100 surcharge for the Weibel Financial Aid Fund. Please, I beg you, do not sign up to help and then stop after a couple of weeks. If you do volunteer to help please do so with the full intention of staying with the program as that means a lot to our instructors. If you cannot show up some day, please let me know in advance.
When you register please list your credit card number even though you are gratis. Last year two individual who had registered to help left us early because they failed to meet the Team requirements. We will charge your card for the remainder of the year unless you leave at the semester break.
D. LATE REGISTRATION: Anyone registering late can deduct the tuition for any days missed, but will still be charged a $50 late registration fee. Late registration starts the day before the first class for the semester is scheduled to meet. There will be no late registration fee for anyone who was placed on a Waiting List and then admitted to chess or who has entered the school after chess had begun.
E. REFUNDS: No semester refunds will be provided after the second meeting of chess. If you registered for the complete year and want to withdraw before the second semester, a full refund for the second semester will be provided minus any credit card charges and the cost of the T-shirt you received gratis for joining for the full year. There is no semester option for the Play Only Option. If we decide within the first few lessons that your child is not yet ready to learn chess, your full tuition will be refunded. There will not be a refund or credit given for any children removed from the program due to discipline issues or because they failed to meet the Team commitments.
F: FINANCIAL AID: Financial Aid (full or partial tuition) based on need is always available. I will not turn any child away from chess due to the cost of our program. To apply for Financial Aid, please send a letter to Dr. Kirshner (66 Indian Hill Place, Fremont, CA 94539) detailing the reasons you believe you need financial aid for your child. Any information received is kept in complete confidence. If the child is on the state or federal lunch programs, full financial aid is automatically awarded when requested.
Children of all Weibel grades and chess experience levels are welcome. Please
read the conditions very carefully before deciding to register your
child in one of the three options. Weibel Chess is limited to
Weibel students, former Weibel chess students or home-schooled children. Dr.
Kirshner may make exceptions, only if room is available for children who attend other schools that do not
have a chess program or the level of their program fails to meet quality
chess standards. Students
who are admitted to the Team must meet all the Team requirements and if they do
not do so they will be removed without a refund and not permitted
to return to Weibel Chess.
Children will respect the Weibel School rules, each other, and the instructors.
Team parents and players must follow the conditions and rules set for joining. Failure to do so will result in a suspension or immediate expulsion. Obviously,
we will discuss behavioral problems with the children and their parents before
suspension. However, if a student's action as determined by a coach, chess teacher, Weibel school employee or Dr. Kirshner places another student, an instructor or themselves
in serious physical danger, immediate suspenson or expulsion from the program
can occur without any pre-notification.
Please discuss with your child whether the Chess Club or the Chess Team is more appropriate. If you want some guidance on your child’s placement, give Dr. Kirshner a call at (510) 659-0358 or write him at WeibelChess@Comcast.net.
Some players may be denied admittance to the Team or placed on probation on the Team due to past behavior issue, previously not following Team rules, not having shown interest in chess in past years or has a rating below 500 and was on the Team the past year and is entering fourth, fifth, sixth grade or above. These players may join the Club.
Any person removed from the Team for failure to adhere to the requirements is not eligible for the Weibel Chess Team or Weibel Chess Club in future years.
1. Club members can range from raw/absolute beginners to experienced players. We will welcome Weibel Kindergarten through sixth grade students into the Weibel Chess Club. However, Kindergarten students that know how to play chess might want to join the special Kindergarten Chess Team on Friday where they will receive one on one or two instruction. They will not have to join tournaments until the second semester.
2. Little or no knowledge of chess is required of Club members. We will
teach chess to raw beginners in the first nine weeks and then all students will
obtain instruction in chess tactics and strategy. After students know how
to play they may join other Club members for half the session in tournament
style play.
3. There is no homework requirement for Club members although extra credit
assignments will be available on the web through Success Chess School and Chess
Magnet School.
4. Since Club members are not required to enter competitions they do not need a Weibel Chess T-shirt as the Team members do, but they are welcome to order and wear one. They will get one free if they join for the full year before the second week of October. I have placed a location to order the T-shirt on the form for those not getting one gratis, or who want a second T-shirt for a sibling or family member. I will have special embroided Weibel Chess Mom and Chess Dad Polo shirts available this year. Again, those children paying a full year’s tuition in advance will receive a T-shirt gratis. I do not keep shirts in stock. I make one order at the beginning of the chess year for the specific shirts ordered and a few back-up shirts. The back of the T-shirt will read "National Elementary School Champions 2012," "National Primary School Champions 2010," “Girls National Champions Eight Times ", and CalChess State Winners in Various Divisions, 1990-2019.”
The Weibel Chess Team focuses on the love of the art and the competition in the sport of chess. In recent years we have expanded our seriousness of purpose in competition while emphasizing the kind of creative thinking that will improve our players academic outcomes. As in the past, I will not select Team members as this is contrary to my belief that all children interested in seriously studying chess and in chess competition should be allowed to enjoy the taste of success and even failure.
Candidly, in the past we have had a few children come to the Team only because their parents felt it was a better place to learn chess--and it is. However, some of these children interferred with the progress of more dedicated players because they had little interest on being on the Team. On the other hand, we had children come to the Team wanting to grow in chess and their parents simply could not find the time to adhere to the commitment they made in joining the Team. I do not intend to keep contacting people to follow their commitment. Whether we contact you or not you are expected to meet your commitment by the date listed or suffer the unthinkable--telling your child they have been removed from the Weibel Chess Team because you failed to adhere to your commitment. Please place all Team commitment dates on your calendar ASAP.
NOTE: All Team players should wear a Weibel Chess T-shirt to any tournaments they attend. Team pride is important. If you are new to Weibel Chess and you join the Team for only one semester you must add a Weibel T-shirt to your tuition fee. If you do not you will be charged automatically.
Since all Weibel Team players are asked to wear their Weibel Chess shirts to all tournaments any player who registers for one semester and has not gotten a Weibel Chess shirt before will automatically be charged for a T-shirt.
I have placed a location to order the T-shirt on the form for those not getting one gratis, or who want a second T-shirt for a sibling or a family member. I will have special embroided Weibel Chess Mom and Chess Dad Polo shirts available this year. Again, those children paying a full year’s tuition in advance will receive a T-shirt gratis. I do not keep T-shirts in stock. I make one order at the beginning of the chess year for the specific shirts ordered and a few back-up shirts. The back will read "National Elementary School Champions 2012," "National Primary School Champions 2010," “Girls National Champions Eight Times ", and CalChess State Winners in Various Divisions, 1990-2019.”
Our young children have many activities in their future to keep them busy along with increased school work, but this is the age that they can develop an amazing talent for analysis and critical thinking through chess. This use of their memory and creative thinking will set the seeds for their future endeavors in school and in life. Numerous controlled studies have proven this.
SPECIAL KINDERGARTEN TEAM CLASS: To join this Kindergarten class a child must know the basics of chess--the names of the pieces and how to move them as well as how to castle. Kindergarten Team may be combined with some First Grade Novice students to receive one on one instruction from our Assistant Coaches. Once they obtain a rating of 500 plus they will be moved to the Junior Varsity Team.
TIME SCHEDULE-Friday, 2:55 until 4:45 PM.
NOVICE TEAM: We will have a Novice Team that will include all new members to the Team that do not have U.S. Chess Federation ratings above 500. Also on the Novice Team will be anyone who has been in Weibel Chess for one or more years with a rating less than 500 and is third grade or less. As noted earlier, no one in fourth grade or above with a rating under 500 and who has been on the Team before will be allowed back until they reach a 500 plus U.S. Chess Federation rating. If a 4-8 grade player now has an under 500 rating and really wants to be on the Team there are plenty of tournaments during the summer and until chess starts to pull their rating above 500. Obviously, if players on the Novice Team reach a 500 permanent rating they will move up a level.
I will spell out the Novice Team obligations below. If you believe your child should not be on the Novice Team even though they have a rating below 500 you do have Summer tournaments to pull his/her rating over 500.
TIME SCHEDULE-Friday, 2:55 until 4:45 PM.
JUNIOR VARSITY TEAM: The Junior Varsity Team will consist of experienced players with a minimal U.S. Chess Federation rating of 500 who do not meet the requirements for our Varsity Team. I will spell out the Junior Varsity Team obligations below.
TIME SCHEDULE-Friday, 2:55 until 4:45 PM.
VARSITY-ELITE TEAM: The Varsity Team will consist of experienced players with a minimal rating as noted below. To be on the K-3 Varsity Team you must have a minimum 800 rating. To be on 4-6 Varsity Team you must have a minimum 1000 rating.
Summary of the rating to START on the Weibel Varsity-Elite Team:
K-1 = 800 GOAL=1000
2-3 = 800 GOAL=1200
4-5 = 1000 GOAL=1300
6 = 1050 GOAL=1400
Anyone reaching the GOAL/ideal rating for their grade level will obtain a Weibel Chess Team Varsity-Elite Jacket. We also have an Weibel Ultimate Chess Player Award. To achieve this status a player must maintaining the ultimate rating or higher for three consecutive tournaments. Anyone achieving the Weibel Ultimate Chess Player will receive a special acknowledgement crystal four glass post award and a scholarship check for the amount of the team tuition for the year. For all future years the Ultimate player attends the Weibel Team there will be no tuition fee. The Weibel Ultimate Chess Player Award qualifications derived from halfway through the Top 100 lists are:
4-5 ULTIMATE PLAYER = 1750 +
TIME SCHEDULE-Friday, 2:55 until 5:30 PM.
READ THE MANDATORY OBLIGATIONS BELOW VERY CAREFULLY. Parents/players not living up to their commitment without permission will be expelled from Weibel Chess and not permitted to return.
1. Parents must agree to have their children compete in a minimum of five United
States Chess Federation (USCF) tournaments before the CalChess State Championship somewhere around April 1. NOTE THE CHANGE FROM SIX REQUIRED LAST YEAR. The CalChess Scholastic States in the Spring is also required. This should be sometime from mid-March to the second week in April. I will let you know as soon as I get the date.
Your child must meet the following schedule: one tournament completed by October 21 (all tournaments after June 1, 2019 count). Two tournaments completed by November 25. Three tournaments completed by January 6. Four tournaments completed by February 3. Five tournaments completed by March 9. Kindergarten students will follow a different schedule: one tournament completed by February 3. Two tournaments completed by March 9. Added to these specific dates are other conditions of tournament completion identified below. As mentioned above, summer chess tournaments, starting after June 1, 2019, can be used to meet this requirement.
If your child does not complete the tournaments based upon this minimal schedule for the first four they will be suspended. If the failure to attend is repeated they will be moved to the Club with no adjustment made to their tuition. If your child does not attend the minimum 5 required events by March 6, 2020 s/he will be removed from Weibel Chess and not be invited back to chess in the future. While I may give advanced warnings they are not needed to determine whether you are fulfilling your agreement. I strongly suggest you place the dates to complete the required tournaments and any other deadline on your calrndar as soon as you sign-up for the Team.
I will, generally, distribute information on tournaments or you can look online at: http://www.CalNorthYouthChess.org/Tournaments.html or go to: http://weibelchess.blogspot.com/ The official postings at http://www.calchess.org/scholastic_calendar.html fails to include all the events in our area, but has more information than my CalNorth Youth Chess site. The Weibel blog repeats the scholastic events posted at the CalNorth Youth Chess site, but includes open tournaments for our more advanced players. New members to the Team that are not yet USCF members must join by going to https://secure.uschess.org/webstore/member.php?wkmemtp=R1.
2. If your child is in the top four players by rating in his/her grade a month before the CalChess Grade Level Championships will take place they will be required to attend that tournament scheduled for November 16 & 17, 2019. Yes, it is much earlier this year. This requirement applies even if your child is not on the Varsity Team. This tournament will count within the five required competitions.
3. All team players (Kindergarten, Novice, Junior Varsity and Varsity) are required to attend the CalChess Scholastic States at the Santa Clara Convention Center. I do not have a date yet. The Championships are usually held somewhere from mid-Martch to earely April. This is a two day event for Varsity players. Kindergarten, Novice and Junior Varsity play one day. This tournament does not count within the five required competitions. It is the sixth required tournament.
Do not register your child on the Chess Team if you believe another activity might interfere with keeping this commitment. Remember you are placing your child on a competitive team and a State Championship takes precedence over a local baseball, soccer game, a language exam or a piano concert etc. Parents/players not living up to their commitment without permission will be expelled from Weibel Chess and not permitted to return.
4. All Weibel Team girls must play in the CalChess State Scholastic Girl's Age Level Championships in Berkeley on March 7(?). This tournament will count for one of the five required competitions. I also hope all the girls will attend the Girls Nationals this year from, April 17-19, 2020. They are being held in a surburb of Chicago to avoid the problem with hotel space as they had last year.
5. Weibel Team members must do homework each week. The amount and kind of homework will vary according to the Team they are on.
NOTE: Although not required, I hope everyone on the Team will attend the CalNorth Youth Chess Age Level Championships at the Newark Pavilion at the end of January, 2020. As soon as I have a date I will included it here.
New members on the Novice Team must do 30 chess problems in ChessMagnetSchool.com each week. Members of the Novice Team who were on the team last year must do 20 puzzles per week. Weibel Chess will provide subscriptions to this chess site. We can check the work online. Anyone found to not be doing their homework will be warned. If the warning falls on deaf ears, the player will be suspended. If the suspension fails to dispel the problem, the player may be expelled from Weibel Chess. No tuition refunds will be forthcoming. If doing the 30 or 20 problems is taking more than two hours each week, please contact me.
NOTE: Kindergarten students will not have to begin this homework requirement until the second semester starts at the end of January. If they do any homework on ChessMagnetSchool.com or Chesshomework.com before the requirement sets in, they will receive extra credit.
Novice Team members will be dismissed at 4:45 PM.
Members of the Junior Varsity Team who were not on the Team last year must do 30 chess problems in ChessMagnetSchool.com each week. If they were on last year's Team they must do 20 problems since they are getting more difficult. Weibel Chess will provide subscriptions to Chess Magnet School. We can check the work online. If these problems take more than four hours each week please contact me. In the first semester JV players must write down/notate the moves they play in their Friday games. During the second semester they may have to comment on/annotate their moves and turn them in the following Friday. Anyone found to not be doing their homework will be warned. If the warning falls on deaf ears, the player will be suspended. If the suspension fails to dispel the problem, the player will be expelled from Weibel Chess. No tuition refunds will be forthcoming.
Junior Varsity Team members will be dismissed at 4:45 PM.
Members of the Varsity-Elite Team (second grade and above) must notate/record the games they play at Friday Chess and transfer and notate/record them in a chess program. They must annotate/comment on the moves in the game. This will mean that they must take the tournament game they played on Friday (or an equivalent one with my permission) and enter it into a computer program and add commentary to all the moves. I will explain this to the students at our first meeting. I suggest the Apple iPhone/Pad app, iAnnotate produced by a former Weibel student or http://chesstempo.com/game-database.html for notation and annotating the games. Both are freeware. If for some reason your computer is down or the printer broken your child will have to do it all by hand.
When a V-E Team member completes his/her game s/he will spend time with one of our instructors going over the game. The V-E player should place the instructor's analysis on the back of the score sheet or on another piece of paper. The analyzed game must be turned in the next Friday. If a player leaves the Multi-Use Room before all of these requirements have been completed s/he will face suspension from chess. If a player continues to leave before completing the required activities s/he will be removed from chess. The player can, if he/she prefers, turn the homework in via e-mail. Students who repeatedly fail to do the homework or fail to remember to turn it in will be suspended for one week and will not be allowed to return to chess until they make-up all the missed homework in a satisfactory manner. After three suspensions I will expell the player from Weibel Chess without a refund.
Members of the Varsity-Elite Team must do 20 chess problems in ChessMagnetSchool.com each week. With my permission, chess videos can be substituted for the problems. Weibel Chess will provide subscriptions to this ChessVideos.com. Anyone found to not be doing their homework will be warned. If the warning falls on deaf ears, the player will be suspended. If the suspension fails to eliminate the problem, the player will be expelled from Weibel Chess. No tuition refunds will be forthcoming for expelled players. Members of the Varsity Team should only attend Quads in three of their minimal five tournaments. The other two plus should be swiss style tournaments.
Varsity-Elite Team members will remain until 5:30 PM.
1. A student from another school wanting to participate in the Tournament Play Option must have a provisional or permanent U.S. Chess Federation rating. To participate with the Varsity players they must have a rating above 800 if in K-3 or above 1000 if in a higher grade.. I will only accept Play Option students after interviewing both the student and his/her parents. A student selecting this option must be willing to record (notate) the games played and analyze them with his/her opponent. A Play Option student does not have to return homework, but must keep all signed sheets in a folder that can be produced if I ask the player to do so.
2. A student selecting this option must be able to be at Weibel by
3:50 and willing to remain until 4:45 or 5:30 PM depending on their status. If the student arrives before 3:50
s/he must sit quietly in the
1. This option with the reduced two day rate is only available for Weibel Team players:
a. Can joined one of the Tuesday Team if they have a U.S. Chess Federation rating above 400 and below 1200.
b. Can join can join the Tuesday Club wth a rating below 400 or if new to the Team on Friday and unrated. When their rating goes above 400 they will be moved to the TuesdayTeam class.