Come celebrate the director, Dr. Alan Kirshner's, 75th birthday and compete with hundreds of other scholastic players in what promises to be, once again, one of the largest and most popular tournaments in California. Last year we had 515 players registered. See story from 2012:
Thornton Ave, Hall #1 & Hall #4
CA 94560
DIRECTIONS: FROM 880 NORTH-Get off at Thornton Ave Exit, go West (left) for a little overa mile and the Pavilion is on the left. Turn right on to Cherry and entrance is on the left. FROM 880 SOUTH- Get off at Thornton Ave Exit, go West (right) for a little over a mile and the Pavilion is on the left. Turn right on to Cherry and entrance is on the left.
AGE DETERMINATION: As of February 1. For example, if you turn 9 on February 1 you must compete as a 9 year old.
SECTIONS4-5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. There is also a Special Open group where anyone 4 through 9 years old who wants longer time controls and/or desires competition against higher rated players than those in their own age group can join. I suggest that players in this group should have a minimum U.S. Chess Federation rating of 800. Please be sure to check the box on the entry form if you wish to compete in this special section.
$35 standard entry. The entry is FREE if born on February 1 or for anyone who is or has been on the U.S. Chess Federation's Top 100 list in the last six months; Team entry is $30 per player when submitted with at least six applications. A form for your convenience at:
Credit Card registrations must be done online by Friday night, February 1. All other individual entries must be postmarked by Thursday, January 31. Late entries are subject to an additional $25 fee. Late registrations will be accepted on Sunday morning, besides the $25 late fee players will likely not be allowed to play the first round and will receive a zero point bye. A 1/2 point bye (missing a round for some reason) will be permitted for any round. If you must take more than one bye (miss another round) that bye will be recorded as a loss. The loss does not count in the USCF ratings, only for the awards. All 1/2 point byes must be requested by noon on Saturday, February 2. After the tournament begins half-point byes cannot be changed unless an error was made on our part. All registrants will be posted after January 1 at:
Discounted team entries must be postmarked by January 26 or submitted online by January 30. As noted above, If you do not receive a formal confirmation of your entry, please check the posted entries after January 1 at: No refunds after Saturday, January 26. However, if Alan is notified before the tournament starts of an emergency where you cannot attend, an 80% credit of what you paid will be provided for a future Success Chess School/Weibel Chess tournament.
Registration will likely be closed if we reach 600 entries. This will include on site entries.
AGES 4-5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (game in 30 d/5) will be at 9:30AM & 11AM & 12:30PM, LUNCH BREAK AT 1:30PM, afternoon rounds start at 2PM & 3:30 PM, awards to follow. AGES 10, 11, 12, 13, and Special 4-9 Open (game in 60 d/5)will be at 9:30AM, 12:00 NOON, 2:15 PM, 4:30 PM awards to follow.
I suggest you show to the site by 9 AM to locate where you will play. Clocks will be started at 9:30AM and the game will be forfeited in 30 minutes. If both players arrive late then the time remaining will be split. If the round starts late, forfeit time will occur 30 minutes after the round starts.
place trophies in each age level section plus trophies for all those who
tie at fifteenth place. Three extra trophies will be awarded after
the 15 section place trophies for the top unrated players in each division. Individuals
can only receive one trophy. Three academic school team trophies in
individual age groups (except in 4-5 age level and in the Open 4-9 competition).
Special Age Level logo chess medals for all competitors that do not receive
a trophy. If
there is a tie for first place in any of the 10, 11, 12, 13 or Open 4-9 age
groups we will have a blitz playoff (5 minute chess) for the first place
trophy for that age. All those tying for first place will be declared
CalNorth Age Level Champions and a new plate will be sent to be placed on
the trophy they received.
Teams in the age groups can have as many members as they want, however, only the scores of the three players who get the most points will count for the Team award. A team must have a minimum of two players.
All players must be members of the U.S. Chess Federation. CalChess membership is not required for this event. The entry form will have a place to join the U.S. Chess Federation for non-members. The tournament will adhere to all U.S. Chess Federation rules except as modified by those printed here or by the CalChess Scholastics: Rule 2.20 that applies to grade level events will not apply. The U.S.Federation's rule effective as of January 1, 2012 that states that "digital time delay clocks will take preference with five second time delay and no time removed from the tournament time controls" will be used. Clocks will be available for most players and must be used. Any child not knowing how to use a chess clock will be instructed on the simple procedure before his/her game begins. The useage is simple. Yet, a new player often forgets to use the clock. If our TD's see a new player forgetting to use the clock, they will be instructed to remind them. While this is not in the rule book, we believe it is fair to all first time clock users. After the first reminder, our TD's will not interfere with the clock rule.
Players in age groups 4 through 9 have the option to notate/record their games. We always recommend that if a player can notate his/her game they should. Disputes often cannot be resolved without a notation sheet. Players in the Open 4 through 9 age division and in the 10 through 13 age groups are required to notate their games. The U.S. Chess Federation's Scholastic Committee recomends that in youth events the requirement to write the move on the notation sheet after making the move not be used. We will follow this guideline. However, if using an electronic recording device, the move must be entered only after moving the piece. The U.S. Chess Federation recognizes the right of players to use one of two digital devices (the MonRoi and the eNotate) to record their games instead of writing them on the score sheets provided. These devices must be checked by our Chief T.D. before use to be sure they are locked and no other software is available in the program. We may broadcast the games on Monroi outside the tournament hall. When a player is using a recordng device it must be left with a TD if a player goes to the restroom.
If a section should be so large that mathematicially a fair number of players would tie for first place the chief tournament director and /or the organizer can decide to use accelerated pairings in the first two rounds. We will try to avoid accelerated pairings wherever possible. This system should not be necessary in the 10 through 13 year old age groups as there is a blitz playoff for the first place trophy. See U.S. Chess Federation Rules of Chess 28R (p130) on accelerated pairings. Simply, instead of the top half rated individuals playing the bottom half the top half rating group is split in half for pairing and so is the bottom half. After round two the normal swiss system pairings are used--winners play winners and losers play losers based upon score groups of everyone in the section.
FAQ's -- What to do after you are registered
Alan M. Kirshner, Ph.D., (510) 659-0358,
Volunteers needed:
TRIVIA: Did you know that Superman
was born the same month and year as Dr. Kirshner, February 1938? However,
Dr. K is a bit older than Superman as he was born at the beginning of
the month. Superman was born on February 29, 1938. So yes, the reason
Superman looks so much younger than Dr. K is that he only has a birthday every
four years.
Success Chess School, Weibel Elementary School Chess, NorCal House of Chess
2008 Age Level Championships
2009 Age Level
Age Level Championships
Age Level Championships
2012 Age Level Championships
Go to the for links to other photographs and tournament results. From this index page you will also find a link to other tournaments.